Study in SUTMaster's programsMaster’s programs in English41.04.01 International Political Analysis of World Regions

41.04.01 International Political Analysis of World Regions

Presentation of Master's program

The program “International Political Analysis of World Regions” is a unique Master's program that trains highly qualified specialists to work in the field of International Relations on social and humanitarian issues, having knowledge and skills in organizing external relations and external economic activity of national regions. Amid increasing role of national regions and global cities in global politics, there is a growing demand for qualitatively new professionals who can provide effective external activity of state and non-state actors, taking into account new and promising trends of world politics.

The work is divided among lectures, seminars and workshops based on field research, participation by visiting experts, and group reports. For successful graduation, students need to pass final exams and defend the Master’s thesis.

The program is designed as a gateway to Russian politics, culture, and business for international students.

Main academic courses:

  • International Security
  • Global Conflicts
  • Modern Culture and Religion (Western Countries)
  • Arctic Region in the Modern World
  • Sustainable Development
  • Politics and Security in Post-Soviet Countries

Advantages of studying

  • The program provides students with profound knowledge about contemporary politics, international diplomacy, governmental and legal systems, economics and international relations and security with focus on Russia.
  • Globally competitive mix of backgrounds in global history and political international relations
  • Training in advance techniques of research and academic writing
  • Exclusive training in two foreign languages aside from English
  • Small and diverse group of students
  • Leading St Petersburg-based scholars, entrepreneurs with unique international teaching and practical experience

Outstanding professors:

Vladlen  Izmozik

Ph.D., Professor in Russian and Global History, Expert in Historical Perusal and Espionage, Great Russian Revolution, writer.

Anton  Gekht

Ph.D, Associate Professor in International Relations, Expert in Arctic Cooperation, European Union Development and Globalization.

Timofey  Potapenko

Ph.D., Associate Professor in Global History, Expert in International Security and Global Mega Trends.

Artyom V. Nerovniy

Senior Lecturer, Expert in International Relations and Scientific Cooperation.

Ivan Tsverianashvili

Senior lecturer, Expert in Sustainable Development and Environmental History

Practice and future career

  • Staff members in international organizations
  • Journalists and writers
  • Politic analysts and consultants
  • Public servants

The program «International Political Analysis of World Regions» provides students with necessary skills required for employment in international organizations. The curriculum best serves those students who are willing to become directly involved in politics, government or political organizations. Courses are designed to help graduates embrace their role as global citizens who are able and willing to be part of an international, multicultural environment. 

Program’s graduates have employment opportunities in private and state companies, international organizations and NGOs, media companies, diplomatic service and academia, think tanks, universities and research centers. SPbSUT graduates are in high demand by employers in business and industry.

Feedback from graduates

Andrey Doroshin, graduate 2019

I would describe my studies at SPbSUT as extremely useful and enjoyable time. Teachers at the University are extremely passionate with their disciplines, they are open for discussions and always ready to help students. I recommend all students to enjoy the opportunities of studying abroad: it is useful experience that will definitely create a lot of vivid and unforgettable impressions.


Egor Rudenko, graduate 2020

The 2-year Master’s program in SPbSUT was interesting, challenging and exciting both academically and personally. I chose SPbSUT for a true education and received exactly that: informative lections and deep scientific work in the field of my thesis. I had the great pleasure and honor to learn from some of the best professors and experts in Russia.

Enrollment tests are held in the form of an interview and contain an assessment of the applicant’s knowledge in the discipline “History of International Relations”.

Questions aimed at clarifying the reasons for choosing a specific Master’s program, the range of interests of the applicant and the goals of his admission to the Master’s program can be asked during the interview.

The program «International Political Analysis of World Regions» provides students with necessary skills required for employment in international organizations. The curriculum best serves those students who are willing to become directly involved in politics, government or political organizations. Courses are designed to help graduates embrace their role as global citizens who are able and willing to be part of an international, multicultural environment. 

Programme’s graduates have employment opportunities in private and state companies, international organizations and NGOs, media companies, diplomatic

service and academia, think tanks, universities and research centers. SPbSUT graduates are in high demand by employers in business and industry.

The content of the program of the enrollment tests

  • The Emergence of the Westphalian System of International Relations
  • Transformation of the Westphalian System in the 18th Century
  • Crisis of the Westphalian System. Creation of the Tilsit System of International Relations
  • Vienna System of International Relations. International Relations in Europe in the
  • Period from the Congress of Vienna to the Crimean War
  • The Collapse of the Vienna System of International Relations. The Formation of a New European Order Based on the Union of the Three Emperors
  • International Relations in Europe at the Turn of the XIX - XX Centuries.Formation of a Block System
  • Colonial Division of the World in the XIX - Early XX Centuries
  • International Relations During the First World War.
  • Formation of the Versailles-Washington System of International Relations
  • The Crisis of the Versailles-Washington System of International RelationsInternational Relations in the 1930s.
  • International Relations During the Second World War
  • The Yalta-Potsdam System of International Relations.
  • The Beginning of the Cold War: Background and Main Events
  • Detente of  International Tension in the 1970s
  • International Relations in the 1980s. The End of the Cold War.
  • International Relations in the 1990s-2000s.
  • The Current Stage of Development of International Relations: Main Challenges
  • of the End of the First Quarter of the XXI Century.

An applicant for a Master's program must submit an application to the SUT admissions committee through the Applicant's Personal Account. Editing and uploading files is not possible after filling out your personal account and uploading documents.